Posted on September 9, 2018 Two Oceans
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Pacific Ocean – Manhattan Beach – California USA April 2017

Indian Ocean – East London – South Africa March 2018

The two oceans pictured above remind me of how God works everything for our good and His perfect will (Romans 8:28). The first is the Pacific Ocean, which I photographed while walking with friends along Manhattan Beach at 5 in the morning. The other is the Indian Ocean, which I overlooked in East London, South Africa, while eating breakfast with new friends. These friends, old and new, prayed with me about God’s call on my life.

God has called me to ministry with the children at the Teleios Christian School in King Williams Town, South Africa. I would have put this off until retirement, but in obedience to God I am beginning this mission now. I will be sharing with children some of my greatest loves in life–Jesus and math and science. I am glad when God uses me to reveal His majesty and His glory through mathematics and the sciences. I get excited when my students in the tutorial program and Sunday school at my church, Trinity Baptist, see how they fit into His wonderful design because they are wonderfully complex (Psalms 139:14)!

My hope is that one day my students in Los Angeles, California, will meet my future students in King Williams Town, South Africa, so they can share their differences and enjoy the things they have in common. After all, these two oceans, the Pacific Ocean and the Indian Ocean, do meet somewhere between their respective coastlines.

Thank you all for your prayers and your personalized financial gifts to International Ministries. Please remember my prayer requests listed below.


My favorite Bible verse: Psalms 121:3-4 (NLT) – “He will not let you stumble; the One who watches over you will not slumber. Indeed He who watches over Israel never slumbers or sleeps.”

Prayer requests: