Posted on March 26, 2020 The Hearts of our Kids are BIG

A couple weekends ago Peter flew to the Dominican Republic where he joined Tim Long. Mylinda Baits, and Mercy Gonzalas-Barnes.  They co-lead a spiritual retreat for 50 pastors and church leaders. This trip provided two blessings. First, the desire to see all four DR partners work together happened with this retreat. The second, was on this trip Peter got to do something extra special. He brought to completion a project our kids started and fundraised for back in 2014. God also showed us once again “God’s time” with the beginnings of restoration of relationships with pastors through the conference.

If you’ve been with us since the beginning, you will remember that we were initially commissioned for mission work in the DR. But, God redirected our steps in 2016 during our year of language school. During our initial vision trip to the Dominican Republic in 2013 we had the opportunity to visit an orphanage. When we returned to the US, our kids were so impacted by that visit that they wanted to do something for the kids at the orphanage. They developed their own fundraising strategy and implemented it.

God blew their expectations out of the water with how He provided for the need that they saw at this orphanage. A wonderful woman from Chester Baptist Church made a suitcase full of light weight crib blankets and the kids raised money for the orphanage to be able to purchase new and safer infant cribs.

Unfortunately, due to the change in our country of service we weren’t able to get the blankets to the orphanage. However, Peter saw this project through to completion on this trip. He took the suitcase full of blankets as well as some pillowcase dresses.The blankets have finally been delivered to their intended recipients! Each blanket has a patch that says “Jesus Loves Me.” Our prayer is that each child who receives a blanket will know the love that Jesus has for them.

The above picture, of our kids with their joyful and smiling faces with the blankets in 2014 and today. The top picture is when we first received the blankets in 2014. The bottom picture is from when the blankets were packed into the suitcase. Our puppy decided he wanted to be in the picture and posed perfectly next to the suitcase. And Elisabeth is not pictured in the current picture because she is at college.

Thank you, Lord, for blessing our kids with big hearts!

Thank you, everyone who supported our kids in this project!