Posted on November 30, 2022 Thanksgiving Blessings!
Leslie and Sarah at Fukuurajima
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BBQ at Shalom House for Leslie and Sarah

Leslie and Sarah with Pastor Tadokoro and family!

Thanksgiving Blessings!

Happy Thanksgiving from our family to yours!

We were so thankful to have Area Director Leslie and Global Servant Sarah visit Oct. 29-Nov. 4! Sarah is on track to come to Japan next year and serve at a church and university in Sendai! Sarah will be our neighbors!!

We hosted a BBQ for Leslie and Sarah at Shalom House in Morigo Camp.  We are thankful for the ministry partners the Lord has provided in Japan for Sarah!


BBQ Tofu-Chicken Burgers

BBQ Tofu-Chicken Burgers





Please pray for Sarah’s final push to find supporting partners! Please pray with us for her to begin ministering in Japan in March of 2023!




Ochakko English class

Ochakko English class

Thank you so much for your prayers! God is showing His power in so many ways. We are seeing small but significant changes in people’s lives.

There is excitement on the part of our leadership team for the English conversation outreach. They have been encouraged to reach out with love and care and have seen a response beyond what they expected.



Y san and Gordon

Y san and Gordon

In addition, a person who had not been attending church has made an appearance! Please pray he continues to attend! He had indicated he did not anticipate returning to church post-pandemic.

We are expecting God to work in mighty ways to heal and restore His children and to draw more people into His family!

May the Lord continue to richly bless you and have a blessed Thanksgiving!

With Thanks and grateful hearts,

Gordon and Lee Ann Hwang