Tag: Peace and Justice
| What shall I give You…
| A year later: Life amidst COVID-19
| Pray for Boaz Keibarak, International Associate Global Servant for IM, working in evangelism, discipleship and peace and justice in Kenya. 

Boaz has been engaged in peacebuilding activities for over a decade. He provides conflict transformation training, mediation, and reconciliation among the rural communities throughout eastern Kenya along the border of western Uganda.  

| Pray for Christina and Lance Muteyo ministering for Christ in Zimbabwe for peace and economic justice. 

Christina and Lance share, “It is our belief that peace, justice, truth, and mercy are ingredients for sustainable peace building.” They serve with IM as international associate global servants. 

| All aboard: Disciples of the Way…
| 12 Days of Christmas Hope from MVP: Part 2

MVP celebrates 5 years of ministry! Volunteers share how MVP has impacted their students and communities as we remember the past and look forward with hope.