The Going with God guide has been translated in Spanish. Vamos Con Dios.
More teams can be better prepared to be God’s ambassadors in Spanish speaking countries, and from Spanish speaking congregations to where God will send them.
Building on 11 years of service as an IM special assistant to India, David will provide discipleship and leadership training and build networks to bless Indian communities globally. He will also be available as a resource person for the Baptist Council of Telugu Churches and the India Mission Coordination Committee.
Kihomi and Nzunga preach in churches and serve through a variety of ministries. Nzunga teaches theology at the Christian University of Northern Haiti, trains assistant professors and administers a scholarship program for elementary- through university-age students.
Ann and Bruce work alongside national leaders to build capacity in theological education, church-based community and economic development, servant leadership, social entrepreneurship, cross-cultural global servant training and ministry with refugees.
The Rev. Dr. David V. Sagar of Schiller Park, Illinois, has been appointed to serve with International Ministries (IM) as an associate development worker in South India. He will work with the Baptist Convention of Telugu Churches, a partner of IM, in discipleship training and leadership development.
They serve in the establishment of new churches in one of the least-reached countries on earth: Turkey. They work with Turkish pastors and key Christian leaders to accomplish three goals: first, identifying new potential pastors that are well-trained and highly respected; second, gathering needed financial support for these pastors; and third, maintaining ongoing contact with each new church, engaging and nurturing the pastors.