Tag: Iberoamerica and the Caribbean
Protests in Nicaragua | American Baptists Express Concern About Turmoil in Nicaragua

The Rev. Dr. Lee B. Spitzer, general secretary of the American Baptist Churches USA, in consultation with leaders and global servants from International Ministries, wrote a letter to the Consulate General of Nicaragua in Washington DC to express American Baptist concern over recent events in Nicaragua.

| Pray for Mercy Gonzalez-Barnes helping meet educational and theological needs in Latin America.

Mercy takes the experiences and skills … of teaching, mentoring and walking alongside men and women who have felt the call of God and applies them to a wider ministry of responding to diverse educational and theological needs in Latin America.

| Protests are Smaller and More Peaceful at the Politechnic University of Nicaragua

IM Area Director Adalia Gutiérrez-Lee received the following update on the unrest in Nicaragua from Tomás Téllez R., vice rector general and Dr. Lydia R. Zamora, rector of IM’s partner university, Politechnic University of Nicaragua (UPOLI), on April 29. Spanish translation follows English.

| Joy in sharing about God’s Good news in Peru

New friendships were formed in Peru for retired Pastor Bill Huegel who served along side his friend Pastor Armando Ramos, as a short-term servant for nine days.

| Hitos por doquier… / Milestones galore…

Are you looking forward to spending quality family time during this special month of the year to celebrate more milestones? We are!!! // ¿Anticipas un tiempo de calidad familiar en este mes tan especial del año en que celebramos hitos? ¡!!Nosotros sí!!!

| Pray for Nicaragua

Many of you have asked about the safety of our missionaries and partners in Nicaragua. We are happy to report that they all are safe and being instruments of God’s peace in the midst of violence. The following is news that Area Director Adalia Gutiérrez-Lee received from our partners and missionaries this week.