Tag: Education
| We Can Still Touch Them With Prayer
| Gathering (virtually!) to Share Hope

A message of hope from a leader in difficult times. Join us on Tuesday, March 24 as we “gather together” to celebrate the legacy of Oscar Romero in the 40th Anniversary of his assassination.

| Pray for Debby and Kyle Witmer ministering in pastoral education and leadership development among the Karen of Thailand.

Debby and Kyle serve the Thai Karen Baptist Convention (TKBC) and Siloam Bible Institute in Chiang Mai, Thailand, where they work in pastoral education and leadership development.

| Windows Connect

Hope is born and nurtured between Middletown (Ohio) and Valencia (Spain).

Patti and Tim Long | Pray for Patti and Tim Long serving in ministries of education, theological education and leadership development in Mexico and the Dominican Republic.
| Hand Washing Skills Perfected