Tag: Education
| Ruth Fox to Serve as Global Coordinator for Education

Ruth Fox to Serve as Global Coordinator for Education
Benjamin Chan
January 15, 2019

| Kanto Gakuin University

Do you serve yourself, or do you serve others, and what is your motivation? Let’s try to “hit ni are hush sego” according to Nita Bryan, who is on a short-term mission assignment at Kanto Gakuin University.

| Rwanda Ministries, by Revs. Suzi and Jim Harriff

“Ubuntu n’amahoro” Grace and peace be with you, as you come alongside Revs. Suzi & Jim Harriff when they lead short-term mission teams to Rwanda. The hands, feet and hearts of short-term servants help in kingdom building from New York state to Rwanda.

| Bonjour de Vanga from Short-Term Servant Tara C. Jones

Tara C. Jones has returned to Vanga to serve on a short-term mission assignment. She is a nurse midwife, trainer, serving alongside The Rices at the Vanga Evangelical Hospital in the Democratic Republic of Congo. God continues to mold special hands to serve and receive.

| Hopevale Martyrs 75th Anniversary: Tragedy to Victory

Our God, who led the Covells to the Philippines, is faithful. This story seems to end in tragedy. But from the blood of the martyrs, CPBC has blossomed to 1000 churches in the Philippines, along with a rebuilt Central Philippine University, Filamer Christian University, Iloilo Mission Hospital, and Capiz Emmanuel Mission Hospital.

Faye Yarbrough receives award for world peace | IM Global Servant Accepts National Award for World Peace

Newly endorsed global servant Faye Yarbrough is one of four outstanding women leaders to be awarded the Women’s Federation for World Peace National HerStory Award.