Tag: Discipleship
| First IM Global Servants to Serve in Colombia, South America

IM global servants Carlos Bonilla and Mayra Giovanetti have accepted the invitation to serve in discipleship formation and training church leaders in Colombia, South America. They need your help to reach Colombia.

| Pray for Dan Buttry, Global Consultant for Peace and Justice, helping Christian workers and leaders deal constructively with conflict.

Dan works with International Ministries missionaries and national church partners around the world to deal constructively with conflict situations.

| IRS redefined… / IRS redefinido…
| Pray for Anita and Rick Gutierrez serving the people of South Africa in Christ’s name by caring for their health needs through training and connection.

Drs. Anita and Rick Gutierrez serve in Durban, South Africa. They train and equip local churches, pastors and missionaries to combat life-style related diseases like HIV/AIDS, heart and artery disease, diabetes and malaria.

| Totally exposed… / Al descubierto…
| Al descubierto… / Totally exposed…