Tag: Discipleship
| Feliz Navidad…
| Pray for Faye Yarbrough preparing to serve in ministries of discipleship and education in South Africa.

Faye will work as a mentor and teacher at Teleios Christian School in King Williams Town, South Africa. This is a church-based school serving disadvantaged children, including those who faced specific struggles within their previous school environments.

| Pray for Larry and Rebecca Stanton serving in Hungary and beyond.

Larry and Becky are currently serving with International Ministries partners Hungarian Baptist Aid and the Baptist Union of Hungary.

| Giving Thanks…
| Con gratitud…
| Pray for Amanda and Jon Good serving through ministries of evangelism, discipleship, education and theological education in partnership with the Baptist Union of Hungary.

Amanda assists with education at the school managed by the Baptist Church in Debrecen.. She also helps with discipleship ministries of the Baptist Church in Debrecen. Jon assists the Baptist Church in Debrecen with its evangelistic outreach, church planting and church development ministries. He also helps with the training of Christian leaders through the Union’s seminary. Amanda and Jon both work with the church planting efforts of HBAid.