Tag: Congo
Congo - Medical Residency Program | Congo – Medical Residency Program

This project gives 8 young doctors quality medical training so they can go on to serve in remote hospitals throughout the region.

| Alphabetization
| Congo – Enfants Bien Aimes

This project will provide care, training, discipleship and social reintegration for vulnerable children in Goma.

| A novel technology to save Covid patients in Congo

Last week Mano Ntayingi and I drove across town to participate in a “photo op” celebrating improvements to two health centers funded by UKAID and carried out by IMA World Health.

| God is Faithful
| Bonjour de Vanga from Short-Term Servant Tara C. Jones

Tara C. Jones has returned to Vanga to serve on a short-term mission assignment. She is a nurse midwife, trainer, serving alongside The Rices at the Vanga Evangelical Hospital in the Democratic Republic of Congo. God continues to mold special hands to serve and receive.