Posted on November 10, 2022 Alphabetization
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Whew, for me it’s a tongue twister … I stumble over this French word for ‘literacy’ every time I say it.  But it’s worth talking about!

In our Sunday school program at HEAL Africa we have started numerous ministries to parents at their request. We do business startup training and rotating credit programs to help them support their families. We have therapeutic exercise programs to help these parents deal with trauma. We have parenting classes that are full beyond capacity. We may soon add a chicken or rabbit project to our kitchen garden program for widows and single mothers.


But we also do literacy training! A small group of 15 parents asked if someone could teach them to read. Two volunteers stepped up and took on that challenge. As you can see, the results are amazing!

Last week, one woman, Kavira, was chosen to represent the group and she came to my office to say thank you. She read aloud a beautifully handwritten letter that she had done herself saying how much it meant to be able to read and write.

As always, their gratitude should go to others… the faithful volunteer teachers and to you, who gave specifics gifts that were used to print literacy textbooks for all who come to our doors wanting to learn.

Alphabetization may be hard to say, and may be hard to learn, but through dedication and a desire to help change lives, what a joy it is to see happening here in Goma!