Tag: Brazil
Corenne & Phil Smith | Pray for Corenne and Philip Smith ministering to street children in Brazil.

Corenne and Philip Smith are serving as global servants in Brazil. They work alongside of the National Baptist Convention of Brazil ministering to children who have been rescued off of the streets.

| Latin America – MTS Scholarships in Latino/a Ministries

This project provides training for pastors and leaders in the Latin American Evangelical Community.

| Signs of Renewal

Spring, the season of renewal and new life, has nearly sprung south of the equator — the pohutukawa, camellias, and bougainvillea are starting to bloom, painting a canvas of color on every street.

| Hope Unlimited Graduate Natali Brings Hope to Others

It is always so gratifying to meet members of Hope Unlimited’s graduate alumni, see how well they are doing, and hear them express their gratitude for what Hope did for them, as they proudly share their accomplishments.

| Valentines Greetings from Brazil

We apologize for sending out something that is not personal, but have been trying to find a way to make sure everybody receives a regular update on our ministry in Brazil.

| Seeing the One

The stock market is down 10%. S & P downgrades our credit rating. In 24 months, the US-Brazil exchange rate drops from 2.35 to 1.55, eroding our purchase power there by almost 40%. Nobody will give in this climate.