Tag: Africa
STEP - Africa | STEP – Africa Education

The STEP program provides school supplies, uniforms and assists with tuition for children in primary and secondary schools in African countries.

| IM Responds to Destruction Wrought by Cyclone Idai in Southern Africa

IM responded quickly with an $11,700 One Great Hour of Sharing (OGHS) emergency relief grant to UBCZ. The funds were put to work immediately.

| Rwanda Ministries, by Revs. Suzi and Jim Harriff

“Ubuntu n’amahoro” Grace and peace be with you, as you come alongside Revs. Suzi & Jim Harriff when they lead short-term mission teams to Rwanda. The hands, feet and hearts of short-term servants help in kingdom building from New York state to Rwanda.

| Bonjour de Vanga from Short-Term Servant Tara C. Jones

Tara C. Jones has returned to Vanga to serve on a short-term mission assignment. She is a nurse midwife, trainer, serving alongside The Rices at the Vanga Evangelical Hospital in the Democratic Republic of Congo. God continues to mold special hands to serve and receive.

| Blessings

As a result of generous support by strangers, many blessings were shared and lived in Ghana and Liberia on recent short-term missions. We intentionally seek the shalom of the cities where God’s calls us to travel through.