Posted on August 30, 2023 Summer Heat!
Summer Heat
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Summer Heat

It has been cooler in Rifu than Tokyo, however, the record breaking summer heat is draining our energy. And the fish are dying in this pond! God is good to give us AC (air conditioning)!

We haven’t gotten used to the summer weather in Japan. In the past, we usually left Japan during August! The temperature here is hot (~90℉) during the day and cools down to around 78-80℉ at night. But it is hard to sleep with +80% humidity. Gordon could sleep with the AC on all the time, but Lee Ann gets too cold.

New Ohio Friends

New Ohio Friends

We were kept quite busy with volunteer groups (New Ohio Friends)

and guests and cleaning the camp dorm (Shalom House). Then the combination of weather (typhoons!) and COVID forced us to take a break. Lee Ann succumbed to COVID mid-August and was sidelined for ~10 days. Gordon’s immune system worked successfully (with lots of prayers), and he remained healthy. He entertained his friends for 4 days during this time at Morigo Camp!

Gordon and Friends at Morigo Camp

Gordon and Friends at Morigo Camp

Lastly, we are thankful for our new leadership team for English Café!

New English Cafe leaders

New English Cafe leaders

We met for our planning session over dinner. The new team is so excited to share Christ through English conversation.

English Cafe

English Cafe

The English Café met about three weeks after. We learned about Simon/Peter following Jesus!

Thank you for your prayers and financial support,

Gordon and Lee Ann

P.S. We were offered to rent a house (3 rooms with a large garden)! Roberta’s friend, whom we met 20 years ago, offered her mom’s house for rent. So, with the help of friends, we decided to move! Note: we can see the pond from our new house!

Roberta's friend's house

Roberta’s friend’s house