Journals, Pray
Posted on May 10, 2024 Praying and Fasting…

Acts and Love in Action: BGsEtAl 2024May; Vol. XXIV Num. 11;
Praying and Fasting

How is it that the American Baptist Foreign Mission Society / International Ministries was founded on May 21, 1814, and is already celebrating 210 years of testimony and God’s faithfulness? Read some more…

Before we get into that, let us share a word of congratulations to each mother in our support network. One of ours is with the Lord, doña Nubia. The other one is by our side, doña Hilda. Our Queen Mother recently overcame a bout of bronchitis at 90 years of age. The Lord continues to care for her and continues to guide us to keep the balance between her needs and ours as a family and ministry. We thank the Lord for the example from Nubia and Hilda, women of faith, commitment with the Lord, and support to our family and ministry. To each of you, God bless you richly and abundantly. A note too to mothers whose children are not present, physically or emotionally. Empty arms longing for eternity to meet their little ones that have gone before us, or whose children are alive but do not call or visit them. May the Lord fill your/our hearts, and especially on Mother’s Day Sunday…

Now, let us share of our trip to Indiana in April. That trip included 2,341 miles by air in 2 planes and by land, with the blessing of sleeping in 3 different beds in those 10 days. What a blessing to return to FBC Greensburg, hosted by our beloved Sue—a long-standing MPT sister, her husband Chuck, and their grandson. Blessed with rest, prayers, and good conversations while sipping tea, coffee, or chai… When you visit a family and a church that has stood by your side for more than 20 years, you know you are home!

Then all roads led to Cedar Lake to the multi-regional retreat. During those days, we were nurtured and challenged. The church needs to continue its mission within and outside of the walls of buildings and sanctuaries. Through and through, we were reminded that everything starts, continues, and ends with prayer and fasting. Fresh Expressions was in the house, invited by the ABC regions of Michigan, Indiana/Kentucky, Ohio, and the Great Rivers. What a blessing to see the executive ministers and the admins of these regions working and serving in one accord. Jason Gray led us in worship and reminded us that “Nothing is wasted in the hands of our Redeemer. From the ruins, from the ashes, beauty will rise. From the wreckage, from the darkness, glory will shine.” And in that certainty, we can continue to say, “Yes, Lord. I make room for You to do the things You do. My soul comes alive, and joy abides when I say yes.” So grateful for my roommate, whom I met last year in the ABC-MI clergy retreat! A blessing to catch up with siblings from all four participating regions and our colleagues who also attended… Lots of prayers and conversations…

And again, all back roads led to Muncie for a first visit with FBC Muncie, hosted by our beloved Jonathan and Kendall—our newest MPT siblings. Of course, MJ (baby girl) and Alpha (toddler dog) were good hosts during our time together. More rest and prayers… When you visit a family and a church for the first time after they have come to your side, you know you are home! Napping with MJ, enjoying a musical, attending a birthday for one of their 90-year-old members, fitting in a visit to the Bob Ross Experience, and enjoying a wonderful lunch with the church after the service made us want more visits. Soon and very soon!

Traveling through Hoosierland was made possible thanks to the generosity of Cori and Dan—original and long-standing MPT siblings, who loaned me their car. This adopted Hoosier girl drove again through Hoosierland highways and back roads, even through the rain! We even made a quick, lovely stop in Plainfield on our way out of the state… Through lots of prayer, we made it safely each place we went…

And that is how ABFMS / International Ministries is celebrating 210 years of testimony and God’s faithfulness this month: through prayer and fasting and lots of networking! Be sure to participate in the Global Encounter on Tuesday, May 21st and Wednesday, May 22nd; the 2024 World Mission Conference online on the 210th anniversary of our mission society. For details and registration, go to:  To continue for another 210 years, we need to focus on the leading and power of His Holy Spirit to take us and use us wherever He needs us, in-person, online, and hybrid; living in our host countries or traveling frequently; praying and fasting! Thanks so much for standing in the gap with and for all of us through your prayers, encouragement, and financial support. Let us continue responding together for good!

Pressing toward the goal, “praying and fasting”,
your BGs Et Al (

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A note from your BGs Et Al MPT’s Convener
Rev. Dick Sharber, Hamburg Baptist Church, New Jersey

Dear Mission Siblings,

Carlos Bonilla and Mayra Giovanetti, regional consultants for discipleship in Iberoamerica and the Caribbean, check back in after many miles on the road and air, so far including reconnecting trips to Spain, Colombia, and Chile (March/April 2024 journal). This May update features fresh inspiration from the heartland, and celebrates our churches’ international mission efforts.

We appreciate your sharing in the work in this part of God’s field. The value of prayers and encouragement along with ongoing financial support is hard to measure (and greatly appreciated). You are most welcome as well to share this journal among your congregation or network. And please let us know if you have any questions or would like to be more actively involved in this international outreach.

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