Posted on March 3, 2023 Prayer and Praise
[pie chart]97%Support Pledged

Greetings everyone. I am looking forward to spring and summer as I am not a winter person. You will understand my preference for these seasons as a native of South Africa where our winters feel very much like the USA Spring. However, I am informed by family members in South Africa that this past summer has been extremely hot. Climate change is doing its rounds everywhere. Anyway, I am writing to give you an update on where I am in my journey towards being assigned as a Global Consultant for theological education with International Ministries. This update includes some praise as well as a request for prayer.

I praise God that now have my Mission Partnership Team (MPT). This team comprises a group of people personally invited by me to serve as the “core” of my larger network. These amazing folks have two primary responsibilities:

1. To support me.
2. To assist in building a network of individuals, groups and churches who will provide adequate spiritual, relational, administrative, and financial support for my ministry.

I am praising God as I also have a personalized table banner which I take with me when I am invited to share my story. The banner also has a QR code. 

If you get a chance to view my social media posts, you will see that I have been posting about my visits to individuals and churches. My Facebook page is FromAfricaToUsaToTheWorld

My most recent visits have been to Grace Temple Baptist Church of Lawnside, NJ, Bethel Evangelical Free Church in Staten Island, NJ, Kingdom Culture Center, PA, Philadelphia International Church, PA, and Thrive Ministries, NJ.

Currently my personal support goal stands at 45%. I am grateful to you for your prayers and financial support. I am looking forward to reaching 100% so that I can begin my ministry as Global Consultant. I can also add this praise. I have been encouraged by support from my home country, South Africa. This is a very significant development at International Ministries as support for Global Mission in this way is coming from a non-western country.

Please pray for my forthcoming visits trip to Santa Clara, CA, Delaware,  as well as confirmed visits to Brooklyn, NY, and the ABC Biennial, Puerto Rico. I ask that you lift me up in your prayers as I connect with churches, pastors and friends.

To help me get to my 100% personal support goal, click SUPPORT

Thank you for your partnership in this ministry.

In Christ’s Service
