Posted on September 17, 2018 Praises from the Heart
Chiapas, Mexico
Dear friends,

Where to start? There’s so much to be grateful for and so much to share but space and time are limited!First, thank you for your continued partnership in prayers and financial support during our first year of ministry in Chiapas. Without your partnership we could not respond to God’s call. THANK YOU! ¡MUCHAS GRACIAS! ¡JOCO LA GUAL! ¡KOLAVAL!

Let me share a snippet of the last few months.

June was amazing!! Dr. José Menéndez (Regional Resource Minister for Latino Ministries) of ABCOFLASH (American Baptist Churches of Los Angeles, Southwest and Hawaii) spent a week with us. His presence and conversations helped us grieve from the pain of all that was happening (and continues to happen) in Nicaragua. He led a wonderful workshop for the regional youth event in the Tseltal area.

As a mother, I praise God as He gave my children the opportunity to meet and share with 3 young adults who are passionate to serve God.  Words are not enough to express my gratitude to all who made their trip to Chiapas possible. These 3 college students, from Marshall University in West Virginia, spent a month with us in San Cristobal and though Juancito and Ziba were still in class they had the chance to be incredibly blessed and loved by these young men. They preached, led worship, helped drive in our new country roads, helped prepare meals for CICEM´s board of directors meeting in Puebla, facilitated games for the two youth regional events in Chiapas, played soccer with my kids and husband, made us a special dinner one night, helped with Ziba’s birthday party and even allowed Juan and I to have a date night (without the kids). Thanks, Goyo, Isaac and Andres!

Watch a video of their time in Chiapas here.

July. We were worried about the Presidential elections in Mexico, but things were relatively calm – no doubt this was an answer to prayer. The new president will be installed early in December.

Our little Ziba turned 5 years old. Her birthday was on the last day of school. So, you can say she ended on a happy note. It’s remarkable to see how she’s adapted to everything this past year without any problems.

My mother spent a month with us and that was another blessing – knowing she was safe with me and not worrying about her while the unrest was happening in Nicaragua. We even went to several doctor appointments together. While living in West Virginia, I enjoyed seeing the close relationship of many children with their grandparents and I got to see a glimpse of that this summer with Juancito and my mother. Ziba not so much, she still does not like the idea of sharing her mom with another person, but Juancito enjoyed having her as his roommate.

August. The kids have been wanting a puppy for the longest time, but as you all know… that’s a lot of responsibility. We decided to first start the kids with a bird. Daddy bought two; one for Ziba and one for Juancito. So far, I don’t see a puppy in sight. It seems it’s pretty hard to keep the bird cage clean every day…
Juancito is now in 2nd grade and Ziba in preschool. Both enjoy their school and classmates so much. This is another BIG praise!!!

Thank you for your partnership as we serve and equip God’s people in Chiapas.

With gratitude and love,
Denise (on behalf of the Aragón’s)
Here you can access our September 2018 Heart for Chiapas Newsletter