Pray for Katherine and Wayne Niles serving in evangelism, economic development and health and wellness in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

Wayne serves with IMA World Health in the Democratic Republic of the Congo …which helps Congolese fight starvation with disease resistant and high protein food crops and works with Congolese farmers to generate income for many decades with a new variety of palm tree that produces abundant oil. Katherine serves with Congolese Christian health professionals and grassroots community leaders.

Ways to Give and Development

Ways to give Ways for you to give include cash, online gifts, honor and memorial gifts, stock gifts, IRA charitable rollover gifts, and employer matching gifts. If you have any ...

Pray for Katherine and Wayne Niles serving in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, bringing help in the name of Jesus.

Wayne serves as the in-country finance officer for several health projects and manages the DEVRU project, which helps Congolese fight starvation with disease resistant and high protein food crops, and works with Congolese farmers to generate income for many decades with a new variety of palm tree that produces abundant oil. Katherine serves with Congolese Christian health professionals and grassroots community leaders. Their goals are to reduce Congo’s maternal and child mortality rates …