Posted on July 31, 2018 Nurse Naomi! Midwife Naomi!
Naomi and nursing license
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I got the text message, “I got the job for Red Cross!” at 1:15PM, July 20. I started my happy dance, so John asks, “What’s up?” (I was helping John with his presentation at the YMCA). My daughter got her first job! She’ll be a midwife at the Tokyo Red Cross Hospital starting next April. I was praising God for His provision. He has opened the door every step of her way.

For her first three years in the Japanese elementary school, Naomi struggled with learning Japanese. We did not know if she would be able to keep up with her studies in junior high. Should we put her in an international school? Her 6th grade teacher thought that, if Naomi wanted to continue to the Junior High, she’d probably be at grade level by the 9th grade. Naomi chose to continue at Soshin Girls School. To our surprise, she was at grade level by end of 7th grade! Naomi doesn’t give up.

When she was preparing to apply for college, her tutor suggested that Naomi could get into a Japanese college. Really? Although she failed to get in at her first choice, God gave her success in entering the more prestigious Sophia University nursing program. After 4 years of challenging studies and practical training, she graduated! But would she pass her national nursing license test? She had doubts that she had correctly answered enough questions on the test to pass. However, we were tearfully joyful on her graduation day when she received the great news: she passed the exam! This was another gift from God.

Nursing Exam Tears

Naomi passed her nursing exam!


Naomi graduates Sophia nursing school

Naomi and family with Sophia nursing school diploma

When she first considered nursing, Naomi was interested in geriatric care. Maybe she liked helping elderly people like her Grandpa Kiyo. Near the middle of her program she found she liked serving moms and their babies. She decided to apply for the 1-year, post grad midwifery program at Sophia. God opened another door and she was accepted in the program. God has given her compassion needed in nurses. He also has given her perseverance to endure the rigorous training. If all goes well, she’ll finish her midwife practicum in December and take the Japanese national midwife license test in February. If she passes, she’ll begin work as a midwife at the Tokyo Red Cross hospital in April.

Would you please pray for Naomi as she is helping to deliver babies the next three weeks? She is working various shifts and is tired after the first week and a half. Her goal is to “catch” 9 babies plus one. She is following one mom and her baby to birth in mid/late-October, therefore the “plus one.”

We believe God has raised up Naomi to be a “missionary” mid-wife who will share the good news of Jesus Christ as she serves the moms and babies of Japan. Many of you have supported us with your prayers and donations. Your support has enabled us to stay in Japan for the past 13+ years. Naomi will be touching many more Japanese lives because of you.

We want to express our thanks to the many people who have responded and pledged toward our on-going financial support. Would you consider a donation or pledge to the World Mission Offering in October? Please know that your part in the body of Christ is extremely valuable. Please donate through your local American Baptist church or click the link below:

World Mission Offering

May the Lord continue to richly bless you!

With Thanks and much Love,

Gordon (and Lee Ann) Hwang