Have you ever felt like you were being led down a path you didn’t want to go? Lee Ann loves the country! Gordon, not so much. You see, Gordon has allergies. Allergies to dust, pollen, mold, mildew, animals, working in the yard 😉 . . . So, when the opportunity came to move out of a modern, conveniently located apartment to a house up the hill in “the country,” it was a mixed bag of emotions. He thought the house was like the home in the movie, “My Neighbor Totoro.” However, God started showing Gordon His blessings in disguise.
Garden at Etsuko’s Mom’s
First, Etsuko gave Lee Ann permission to use the garden about a year ago. Her mom’s house was unoccupied, and she was planning to move out of the area. The house was a 10-minute walk from our apartment. Lee Ann loves to garden and wants to experiment with plants for Morigo Camp. Gordon saw Lee Ann’s joy, but didn’t say anything.
Saying Goodbye
Second, about two months before moving, Etsuko allowed Lee Ann to help her pack. She needed to pack her home and clean her mom’s home. It was during this time that Etsuko realized she would not be returning to Rifu. So, while talking, Lee Ann expressed interest when Etsuko wondered, “who would want to rent her mom’s home?” Etsuko was pleased to hear Lee Ann was interested, but what about Gordon? God had already softened Gordon’s heart toward moving to the country. Over the months, he saw Lee Ann excitement growing while gardening. The house has a patio that is perfect for barbecuing, and Gordon loves to barbecue! So, when Lee Ann proposed moving, Gordon knew it was the right thing for them. But he still had some concerns.
Installing Hard Flooring
Moving Fridge
Lastly, how will Gordon live in a house with tatami flooring since he has allergies? (He is probably not allergic to the tatami, but is allergic to the mold, mildew, and dust from the tatami.) God intervened by giving them Yoko san’s advice: move now! She introduced them to her long-time friend who is a builder. His workers could replace the tatami with hard flooring and move our air conditioners! In less than a month everything came together. All of Gordon’s concerns were answered and it was better than imagined.
So, with the help of many people from Oasis Chapel, Gordon and Lee Ann were able to move to their “new” home (about 1 km from church). Gordon now knows this path is the best for their life and ministry in Rifu! Now he is looking for his new neighbor, Totoro to visit.
Much Love,