Missionary Kids Care Ministry

Supporting the Unique Needs of Missionary Kids (MKs) Around the World

Welcome to International Ministries’ Missionary Kids Care Ministry. We understand the extraordinary lives that MKs lead: from growing up in diverse cultures to navigating the challenges of transitioning back to the U.S., MKs face unique experiences that require special care, support, and understanding.
Our mission is to provide holistic care that addresses the emotional, spiritual, and practical needs of MKs, helping them thrive wherever they are.

Caring for Those Who Carry the Mission Forward

International Ministries’ MK Care Mission

We are dedicated to supporting MKs by providing resources, community, and care tailored to their specific needs. Whether it’s helping them adjust to new cultures, assisting with the transition to college life in the U.S., or offering spiritual and emotional support, we are here to ensure that MKs are equipped and encouraged as they navigate their unique journeys.

How We Support Missionary Kids

Transition Assistance

Transitioning from life overseas to college in the U.S. is one of the biggest challenges MKs face. We provide practical and emotional support to help ease this transition, offering services like mentorship, cultural adjustment guidance, and assistance with everyday needs.

Building Community

We foster a sense of community among MKs by organizing events, connecting them with other MKs, and creating opportunities for them to share their experiences. We also provide a platform for churches and individuals to get involved in supporting MKs through various initiatives.

Prayer and Spiritual Care

Prayer is a powerful tool for supporting MKs. We offer prayer resources specifically designed to address the unique challenges that MKs face, from cultural adaptation to building strong, Christ-centered relationships.

Long-Term Holistic Care

We desire to let the MKs know that they have value and are important in and of themselves (and not just because of their parents’ ministry). Our aim is longevity of care, rather than care for a season, allowing churches to build and maintain relationships with MKs.

Missionary Kid Care Resources

Resources to help you care for a missionary kid in your life.

From prayer guides for MKs, tips on how to welcome MKs at your church, and advice on how to navigate life transitions, access everything you need for MK care right at your fingertips.

Give a Gift to the Next Generation

Support MKs as They Serve God’s Mission

The Global Coordinator for MK and Family Care is a donor-supported position. Your gifts given to God through International Ministries ensure ongoing care for IM’s missionary kids. Would you consider pledging a gift of $100, $50, or $25 a month today?

Get Involved

Partner with Us in Caring for MKs

Whether through prayer, donating, or volunteering your time, your support can make a significant difference in the lives of MKs. Together, we can help MKs feel loved and equipped to thrive in their unique calling. We would love to connect with you and explore how we can support MKs together.

Hear What Our MKs Have to Say

MKs Love IM’s MK Ministry!

"The best thing about being an MK is all the different cultures. I think we get a better understanding of every different person, and we can understand them better."

Ruth Stanton

Ruth Stanton

IM Missionary Kid, Hungary

"I get to explore around a lot of new places--and make new friends!"

Gavin Juanes

Gavin Juanes

IM Missionary Kid, Thailand

"I love how you can find traces of this culture all around the world."

Andrew Good

Andrew Good

IM Missionary Kid, Europe

"I just love talking to people. It's like almost something I consider a love language - knowing someone and then someone caring enough to know about you. I think a lot of MKs do that."

Nat Reed

Nat Reed

IM Missionary Kid, Bolivia

"Now that I'm older, I can really appreciate how much it's made me, me."

Dani Bonilla-Giovanetti

Dani Bonilla-Giovanetti

IM Missionary Kid, Iberoamerica

"I feel like being an MK helped me have the base and the tools - and then being out on my own really helped me develop that relationship with God; personalize that and build on those foundations."

Nora Elisabet Kalkman

Nora Elisabet Kalkman

IM Missionary Kid, Europe

"These kids are as much missionaries as their parents are; they're speaking into people's lives just as much, and they can't properly do that if they don't have good spiritual, mental, physical, and emotional health."

Julia Boardwell

Julia Boardwell

IM Missionary Kid, Thailand