Posted on August 31, 2017 Homecoming-ed Hwangs Happy!
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Happy to come home? We certainly were! We spent 32 days in the States this summer. Nearly every day we had an appointment, get-together, or event with family, friends, and supporters. We traveled from Anacortes, WA to Medford, OR. and back again. We visited five churches, two states, and had over 30 lunch/dinner meetings. This year was extra special because of two things, M sensei and meeting mission-minded young adults!

M sensei met us in Seattle for seven days including a one-night trip to Oregon! M sensei teaches third grade at Soshin Elementary. It started in late-May with dinner at our home when we discovered she wanted to visit this summer. She also knows Dorothy Noyes, retired missionary who served at Soshin School years ago. M sensei went on the exchange program trip with Dorothy to the States! So, we invited her to go with us (Roberta came, too) and visit her teacher! We had a wonderful time encouraging Dorothy and sharing greetings from many friends from school and church.

Nearly every summer since we were first married, we attend JEMS Warm Beach Family Camp. This year, to our pleasant surprise, the career young adults were in charge and en masse at camp! For four days, we enjoyed good teaching, delicious food, and fellowship with young adults. There are five camps: Youth, Japanese, Family/Adults, Special Needs, and Kids going on at the same time. One couple, newly married and expecting, are preparing to go to Japan as missionaries someday! We were blessed to be there to encourage and pray with them. This is another answer to our Matthew 9:38 daily prayer for more workers in Japan!

We are happy to be home in the States and to be back home in Japan!

May the Lord continue to richly bless you!

With Thanks and much Love,

Gordon and Lee Ann Hwang

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