Posted on August 10, 2022 High 5 Rodney for God’s Mission
[pie chart]83%Support Pledged

Jesus said” Go ye into all the world and make disciples” Theological Education involves making disciples. If you cannot go, you can support someone who can. I have committed myself to “going” and making disciples. To raise my support, I am calling on 500 people to support me with $5 per month, hence the title “High 5 Rodney for Mission”.

Won’t you consider High Fiving me? It’s amazing how a small amount like $5 per month can make a huge difference in terms of supporting theological education through International Ministries.

In John 6, when a need arose to feed the multitude, Andrew, Simon Peter’s brother, brought attention to a boy with bread and fish, “Here is a boy with five small barley loaves and two small fish, but how far will they go among so many?” We all know that this small gift was multiplied to feed everyone.

In this story, a mom packed a lunch for her son before he left home that morning. She was simply being mom and taking care of her boy, and she did not know that Jesus would turn that silent work of her hands, the gifts from her kitchen, and her faithful love for her son, into one of his greatest miracles.

You just never know what God’s up to with the little somethings you have to give.

Be one to make a difference with your small gift. Be one in the 500 to High 5 Rodney for God’s Mission and see how God is going to use your gift to make a big difference in the area of theological education around the world. Here is the link to make your commitment:

I want to High Five Rodney in God’s mission and want my gift to make a difference.