Lines and Points
Besides Calculus, Geometry was the other class in high school that ruined my 4.0 grade point average. All I can remember is: A geometric line is formed by connecting two points along the shortest possible path. But I’ve discovered that this geometric truth also has spiritual applications. Over and over I have seen God connect two lives in miraculous and amazing ways. In fact, when I consider these connections in the grand scope of eternity, they seem to happen along the shortest possible path, too!
So Many People
During our 17 years of ministry in Southern Baja, Mexico we met hundreds of people. One of those people was the Rev. Eric Kraihansel. We first met him in December 2005 when he brought a youth group to La Paz on a mission project. Over the years, we stayed in touch with Eric and, most recently, we had the opportunity to visit him at the First Baptist Church of Lansdale where he now serves as the Lead Pastor. In a conversation after worship, Eric updated us about Nany Guerra, a young Mexican woman that we both know from La Paz.
2005 Mission Team to La Paz, Mexico
Cross-Cultural Missions
Nany’s parents, Lupita and Inocencio, are active members of the First Baptist Church of La Paz. Lupita is a doctor. She and her husband also own a small business selling tiles and ceramics ( Because they were both passionate about missions, they loved to engage with the mission teams we hosted in La Paz. They often joined our teams at the work sites, and shared their hospitality by inviting team members to their home. As a result, their children grew up not only being immersed in the life of their church, but also in the ministry of cross-cultural missions. After we left La Paz two years ago, Eric continued to bring young adult mission teams. Nany partnered with several of them. He saw her blossom into a young woman with a deep love and passion for God.
The Next Generation of Missionaries
Today Nany is serving as a short-term missionary in India. When she returns at Christmas, she is going to spend several weeks with Eric’s family in PA. She will also be sharing about her journey to India with FBC Lansdale who helped raise support for her trip. Then she will return to Mexico to study medicine because her desire is to become a missionary doctor. Nany is a living, breathing example of this year’s World Mission Offering theme: Come, Follow Me.
Connecting the Dots
Eric believes that our long-term presence as missionaries in Mexico, in addition to the numerous mission teams he and others led to La Paz, were influential in guiding Nany’s heart to her own vocational call to missions. We rejoice that our story and Eric’s story were two points that God linked together. Eric rejoices that his story and Nany’s story were two points that God linked together. God connects the dots of our lives long before we can visualize the pattern that holds our hearts in sync!
More & More Dots
Eric and Nany remind me that we never know how our presence can impact someone else’s spiritual journey. Today we are serving as regional missionaries to Iberoamerica and the Caribbean. In the last two years we have taught 65 students in three different countries. It staggers our minds to consider what God might do with all those dots! Through your prayers and gifts, you are connected to us as well. And we are thankful. Without each one of you, our ministry would be in vain. But together, as the heart and mind of Christ, we are bringing hope to different corners of the world! Never doubt that your life is impacting someone else’s no matter where you live, no matter where you serve. Be faithful!