Posted on December 25, 2022 Favorite Christmas Gift?
English Cafe Xmas creche
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What is your favorite Christmas gift? This Christmas we are thankful for many gifts.

English Cafe Xmas party

English Cafe Xmas party

Gift of Sharing

People had a great time at our English Café Christmas party! We praise God for the chance to tell the Christmas story and for conversations between non-church and church members.

English Cafe gift exchange

English Cafe gift exchange

Pastor Makito was present to give an invitation to everyone to the events the church has planned for Christmas. We heard some people were interested in coming to an event. Our party included a gift exchange to music (like musical chairs passing the gifts to each other). Gordon provided the music on his accordion.



Lee Ann and H san

Lee Ann and H san

Gift of New Friends

Lee Ann and her walking partner, H-san, met Mrs. S about 5 weeks ago. Lee Ann has been buying veggies from her unattended farm stand for several months but had never seen her. Since meeting her, they have visited multiple times on their walk. Mrs. S gave them some of her pickles and Lee Ann made a batch using her recipe. When they invited Mrs. S to Oasis Chapel’s Christmas Sunday service, she said she’d like to come! Unfortunately, something came up at the last moment, so Mrs. S did not join us for Christmas. But please keep praying for her since there will be other opportunities for her to join us.

Gordon Y-san and Vincent

Gordon, Y-san and Vincent

Gift of Progress

Y-san is making good progress! Gordon and Vincent have been intentionally meeting with Y-san. They’ve gone for lunch, coffee and also have Japanese lessons. Y-san is getting better! His wife reports he’s opening email. We see he’s able to schedule invitations vs. waiting until the day of to see how he feels. Now, he is able to plan a standing appointment with Gordon and Vincent for Japanese lessons! Thank you for your prayers!



Gift of Generosity


Quarantine-Apartment Tokyo

This Christmas we celebrate one full year of returning to Japan! Thank you for your prayers and support! We could not be here without the powerful and generous support of all our partners! Thank you for hearing the Lord’s call to share the Gospel in Japan through giving. Thank you for your generous gift!





Gift of Christ

This is Christmas so please pray for the pastors and all hearts be open to the message they give. May the true meaning of the birth of Jesus, that He came to save us all from our sin and shame, be preached. The Messiah was born of the virgin Mary and lived a perfect life. He sacrificed Himself willingly on the cross for our sin and shame. Then, He rose from the grave to prove His deity. Jesus promised to return after ascending to heaven. This is our favorite gift of Christmas: the gift of Jesus for our eternal life. Would you please pray many Japanese would accept this gift of Christ?

Thanks again for your financial support and prayers! May we each have a blessed Christmas full of thankfulness (and a joyful New Year) because of the gift of Jesus!

Much Love,

Gordon and Lee Ann

P.S. Would you consider a gift of serving on a Short-Term Mission Trip to Japan this Spring? Please click on the image below for more details.

Short-Term Mission Japan

Short-Term Mission Japan