Posted on June 30, 2022 English Café: Plan, Prepare, Pray, Practice!
Planning Team
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Ever wonder how a plan is going to work? Our prayer was that the Oasis Chapel members would both lead an English conversation outreach (English Café) and invite their friends/co-workers to practice English. About four months ago, we met with Pastor Makito, A-san, and M-san about redesigning the English Café outreach ministry. We prayed and met several times in the past few months. Our group confirmed the textbook (The Jesus Storybook Bible) and talked about some ideas regarding the set up. So, we waited. Then, about two weeks before the first class, we had a rehearsal lesson and the leaders finalized their decisions. We will have three classes each month, all using the same lesson chapter. On Sundays, we will have 2 groups: Rabbits (upper) and Turtles (lower). On weekdays, we will have one level.



The Lord answered prayers for new participants. One of the leaders, Mrs. M, enrolled three of her co-workers in the class! One of the participants, Mrs. Y, invited her friend just a few days before we started. Mrs. Y says she prayed in the morning for God’s help in inviting. That afternoon, when she invited her friend, her friend immediately responded, “Yes, I would be happy to join you!” Mrs. Y was so surprised! She is excited to have her friend join the class.

Praying hands


We are praying that this will open opportunities for Oasis members to talk about their faith. It is natural that there will be questions about the text. Please pray for both the courage of the members to share and openness in hearing the message of God’s hope.

Turtle Group

Turtle Group


Maybe you are wondering what happened at the first class? We met at Oishian Café at Morigo Camp. Lee Ann used the story about God creating the universe, the world, and mankind (Genesis 1 & 2). We had 7 participants with 4 leaders in the Turtle group and 5 participants and 4 leaders in the Rabbit group. They were actively engaged with the story and asked questions. At the end of each class, a leader prayed for the group.

Rabbit Group

Rabbit Group

We are excited that the Lord is answering our prayers! Would you join us in continuing prayers for the English Café leaders and participants?

We are blessed and honored to be serving here as your partners in mission.

With Love and Thanks,

Gordon and Lee Ann Hwang

P.S. Please pray for Gordon. He is participating in Sho and Anna’s wedding on July 9! This is his first time in assisting with a wedding service.