Pray for Ray Schellinger, global consultant for Immigrants and Refugees, helping with ministries to refugees globally.

Ray networks with IM colleagues and international partners that serve with refugees and displaced peoples, helping to strengthen their ministries, find needed resources and build capacity.

Prayer Call – Dan and Sarah Chetti

Pray for Dan and Sarah Chetti training leaders for ministry in the Arab world and reaching out to foreign migrant women in Lebanon. Dan and Sarah Chetti, the first International …

Pray for Mayra Giovanetti and Carlos Bonilla, redirected to Columbia for ministry of discipleship formation and training of church leaders.

They write – We have been redirected to service internationally in colOmbia (i.e. Colombia, not Columbia—that’d be South Carolina or Maryland, USA). Their born or naturalized citizens are Colombians (not …

Melanie Baggao Pray for Melanie Baggao developing skills for future work in Arab countries and ministering among students in Beirut, Lebanon.

In partnership with the Arab Baptist Theological Seminary of the Lebanese Society for Educational and Social Development, Melanie is beginning her ministry as a student in the Seminary’s Master in …

Pray for Laura and Rich Freeman

Pray for Laura and Rich Freeman helping plant churches and encouraging and training pastor in Turkey. Laura and Rich are associate development workers appointed with International Ministries and their nonprofit …

Pray for Peter and Sarah McCurdy

Pray for Peter and Sarah McCurdy training Christian leaders and ministering for Christ in Costa Rica. The Rev. Peter and Sarah McCurdy serve in Costa Rica at the invitation of …