Pray for David and Joyce Reed

Pray for David and Joyce Reed helping Christian leaders in IberoAmerica and the Caribbean to find refreshment and renewal in the Lord. Joyce and David serve as regional missionaries with …

Pray for Dan Buttry

Pray for Dan Buttry, Global Consultant, standing with and serving victims of conflict through ministries of conflict transformation and education. One of the goals of American Baptist International Ministries is …

Pray for Carlos Bonilla and Mayra Giovanetti

Pray for Carlos Bonilla and Mayra Giovanetti in transition to Columbia to work in ministries of discipleship They write – Throughout this US/PR assignment, we spent the first six months …

Pray for Mylinda Baits

Pray for Mylinda Baits, Global Consultant, helping to bring Christ’s healing through restorative arts. Mylinda is a pastoral artist and trainer. Serving as a global consultant for Training Through Restorative …

Pray for Kihomi Ngwemi & Nzunga Mabudiga

Pray for Kihomi Ngwemi & Nzunga Mabudiga bringing the love of Jesus in word and deed to the people of Haiti. Kihomi and Nzunga serve as a vital link between …

Pray for Mercy Gonzalez-Barnes

Pray for Mercy Gonzalez-Barnes helping respond to diverse educational needs of our partners in Cuba and Latin America. Mercy has been serving as a missionary with International Ministries since she …