Pray for Deliris Carrion-Joseph working in Tijuana, Mexico with women and children who are victims of domestic violence.

Deliris works with women and children who are victims of domestic violence in Tijuana, Mexico.

Pray for Ketly and Vital Pierre training Christian leaders and reaching out for Christ to the people of the Dominican Republic.

The Pierres work in the East Coast of the Dominican Republic to strengthen local churches and encourage existing churches to plant new ones and disciple new members. One way they …

Pray for Lori and Matt Mann reaching out to needy children in Thailand and Laos to bring hope and restoration.

Matt and Lori serve in Laos and Thailand. In Laos, they work to bring hope and restoration to children and youth who have suffered or are at risk for the worst forms abuse and exploitation, including street children; children living in slum communities who are victims of abuse and domestic violence; and victims of child labor and sex trafficking.

Pray for Emerson and Ivy Wu coordinators of the Global Chinese Mission for IM.

Ivy and Emerson work with their IM area director to establish a network of global Chinese churches and Christian non-governmental organizations (NGOs) through which the network members will develop and implement common strategic missions, including those from the IM’s strategic planning process, Responding to the Call. Ivy and Emerson also represent IM in relating to church and NGO partners in Hong Kong.

Hwang family 2016 Pray for Gordon and LeeAnn Hwang reaching young people and serving churches in Japan.

Gordon and Lee Ann are serving in Yokohama, Japan. Gordon exercises gifts of service and hospitality. He hosts a weekly fellowship meeting in their home. Lee Ann works full-time as an English conversation teacher for junior and senior high students at Soshin Girls’ School.

Pray for Dan and Sharon Buttry training leaders in community transformation and helping bring peace, justice and community transformation globally.

Dan and Sharon are global consultants, Dan for Peace and Justice and Sharon for Community Transformation.