Kim works with a team of indigenous leaders to manage a multi-faceted response to the needs of tribal peoples: HIV/AIDS prevention education, care for those who are HIV+ (including the …
Alise and Mark will serve at the House of Love and House of Blessing in Chiang Mai, Thailand. These ministries were established by IM missionary Kim Brown to serve tribal …
December: Have you noticed that in order to accomplish your goals, it is best to have the support of many around you? Those who love and care about you and …
December will be an unstable time in Congo due to unrest over elections…
Much of the foreign population is departing by mid-month. As there is not any anti-west or anti-foreign sentiment, we feel it is safe to be tucked away at Kikongo.
It is quite cold now in Tijuana and the migrants are not prepared nor is there enough food and shelter for them — we strive to help as possible and as donations arrive. As you are aware, there is a direct way to help with monetary donations through the IM website. Please pray — this is a complex, ever-changing situation, but so important to keep our eyes, hearts and hands focused on how we can serve these asylum seekers who are in dire need.