Pray for Laura and Rich Freeman working with Turkish pastors and key Christian leaders to help establish and maintain new churches in Turkey.

They serve in the establishment of new churches in one of the least-reached countries on earth: Turkey. They work with Turkish pastors and key Christian leaders to accomplish three goals: first, identifying new potential pastors that are well-trained and highly respected; second, gathering needed financial support for these pastors; and third, maintaining ongoing contact with each new church, engaging and nurturing the pastors.

Pray for Debby and Kyle Witmer working in pastoral education and leadership development among the Karen Hill tribe people in Thailand.

Debby and Kyle serve the Thai Karen Baptist Convention (TKBC) Siloam Bible Institute in Chiang Mai, Thailand, where they work in pastoral education and leadership development.

Pray for Kathy and Tim Rice training health care workers and ministering to the medical needs of the people of the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

Dr. Tim and Kathy are associate missionaries jointly appointed by both International Ministries and New City Fellowship in St. Louis to serve as medical missionaries at the Vanga Evangelical Hospital …

Pray for Jonathan and Thelma Nambu, caring for and empowering women in the Philippines and partnering to combat human trafficking in Asia and around the world.

Jonathan and Thelma are associate missionaries appointed by International Ministries in partnership with Samaritana Transformation Ministries, an organization committed to sharing and living out the gospel among women caught in …

Pray for Katherine and Wayne Niles serving in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, bringing help in the name of Jesus.

Wayne serves as the in-country finance officer for several health projects and manages the DEVRU project, which helps Congolese fight starvation with disease resistant and high protein food crops, and works with Congolese farmers to generate income for many decades with a new variety of palm tree that produces abundant oil. Katherine serves with Congolese Christian health professionals and grassroots community leaders. Their goals are to reduce Congo’s maternal and child mortality rates …

Pray for Kit Ripley and the staff of the New Life Center in Thailand that has now moved to a new location in Chiang Mai.

Kit provides direct clinical care for survivors of trauma including sexual abuse, human trafficking and domestic violence through therapeutic art groups and life-skills workshops. She also promotes spiritual formation through preaching, Bible teaching and facilitating art and contemplative prayer retreats.