Pray for Peter and Sarah McCurdy ministering to pastors and their families in spiritual formation and training of Christian leaders in Costa Rica, Cuba and beyond.

Peter’s ministry focus is spiritual renewal and spiritual formation. He serves local pastors and seminary students, seeking to provide a safe and nurturing environment for them, their families and others pursuing a call to ministry. He will also extend his ministry into Cuba. Sarah, a former French teacher, is developing her role as an educator. Peter and Sarah’s hope is that, through their ministries, hearts and minds will be changed and people will grow into the image of Christ.

Recently… / Recientemente…

April: This month we look back to the two recently celebrated annual sessions (Puerto Rico and Colombia), as well as the launching of the Global Baptist Peace Conference, as we …

Pray for Alise and Mark Juanes soon to be serving needs of tribal women and children in Thailand.

Alise and Mark will serve at the House of Love and House of Blessing in Chiang Mai, Thailand. These ministries were established by IM missionary Kim Brown to serve tribal women and children coping with problems caused by AIDS, disabilities and migration from their rural villages to urban slums. Alise and Mark’s ministry will focus on the discipleship and spiritual development of children and staff, administrative responsibilities and community development.

Pray for Amanda and Jon Good working in Hungary for Christ in evangelism, church planting, discipleship and leadership training.

Jon and Amanda Good serve through ministries of evangelism, discipleship, education and theological education in partnership with the Baptist Union of Hungary.

Pray for Joel and Trish Hoefle-Magal serving as development workers in Thailand and Myanmar.

Trish is developing an approach for empowering people to relate to one another in a more authentic way in a cultural context. She teaches English, exercise, music, dance and drama …

Pray for Hermelinda and Jorge Damasceno reaching out for Jesus to Portuguese speaking migrant workers in Great Britain.

Jorge and Hermelinda are associate missionaries who serve with the Baptist Churches in the Dereham region of the United Kingdom. They are assisting churches of the Baptist Union of Great Britain reach out to the communities of Portuguese-speaking migrant workers in the region.