Pray for Ruth Fox working globally to assist in ministries of education to advance God’s work in the world.

Ruth, having invested many years in some of IM’s educational ministries in Thailand, is currently serving on special assignment as a regional consultant based in the U.S.

To the ends of the earth… / Hasta lo ultimo de la tierra…

June: This month your BGs participated in the UBLA Conference in Bogotá and a VBS with the congregation which we now attend. This year’s Baptist Leaders’ Continental Conference was held …

Pray for Stan Slade, Global consultant, helping church leaders in the understanding and communication of the Scripture.

Whether leading a workshop for pastors with almost no formal schooling or serving as a visiting professor with doctoral students in high-tech classrooms, Stan is passionate about helping church leaders become more effective servants of Christ, especially in the area of understanding and communicating the message of Scripture.

Pray for Larry and Rebecca Stanton serving in Hungary and Eastern Europe in service to immigrants and refugees, education and discipleship.

Larry and Becky are currently serving with International Ministries partners Hungarian Baptist Aid and the Baptist Union of Hungary.

Pray for Sarah Nash serving women and children through ministries of discipleship, education and health in Bolivia.

Sarah serves through the new extension of House of Hope in Santa Cruz, Bolivia. As an educator and dental assistant, Sarah is passionate about serving women and children through ministries of discipleship, education and health.

Pray for Brian and Lynette Smith, recently arrived in Haiti to serve as Global Servants ministering in the name of Jesus.

Brian and Lynette Smith and their two children Ricky and Calen arrived in Haiti on May 14th.