The Vo Family Pray for Amy and Joseph Vo preparing to serve in Vietnam in the areas of Discipleship, Education and Economic Development.

Amy and Joseph look forward to returning to their birthplace to serve with the Baptist Churches of Vietnam BCV, a partner of International Ministries, as development workers.

Pray for Ryan Baumgart serving Christ in Japan by reaching out to young people in the areas of discipleship and education.

With a passion for sharing his faith in any situation, whether in or out of the classroom, Ryan believes that the cultures, values, ideas and personalities of each student have value, and his goal is to help his students refine these with an understanding of biblical truth.

Pray for David and Joyce Reed serving as IM’s Global Coordinators for Spiritual Care.

 Our intent is to assist our colleagues to . . .
Slow down and listen to God.
Build spiritual and self-care practices for healthy, long-term cross-cultural service.
Develop safe and trusting community in answer to the isolation and loneliness.
A needed and welcomed spiritual care role. 

Pray for Laura and Rich Freeman training pastors and helping plant new churches in Turkey.

Laura and Rich are associate development workers jointly appointed with International Ministries and their nonprofit organization, Turkish Connections International. They serve in the establishment of new churches in one of the least-reached countries on earth: Turkey.

Pray for Ann and Bruce Borquist serving as Global Consultants for Training and Capacity Building and Economic Development

Ann serves as Global Consultant for ministry “From Everywhere to Everyone” to build capacity in contextualized theological education, servant leadership, cross-cultural skills development, church-based holistic community transformation and work with refugees. Bruce serves as Global Consultant for Holistic Community and Economic Development to promote faith-based social entrepreneurship, servant leadership, cross cultural skills development, and church-based holistic community transformation. They work alongside a wide range of Baptist partners including those in Brazil, Cambodia, Indonesia, New Zealand, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Vietnam, and others.

Pray for Faye Yarbrough preparing to serve in ministries of discipleship and education in South Africa.

Faye will work as a mentor and teacher at Teleios Christian School in King Williams Town, South Africa. This is a church-based school serving disadvantaged children, including those who faced specific struggles within their previous school environments.