Using state-of-the-art techniques, these men and women are combating human trafficking which affects so many ethnic minorities. In partnership, they will seek to point towards God’s kingdom where captives are …
She directs a tutoring and feeding program for elementary and high school students who have fallen behind in their studies.
Stan is passionate about helping church leaders become more effective servants of Christ, especially in the area of understanding and communicating the message of Scripture.
Glen and Rita have been instrumental in transforming the Kikongo pastoral training school into the Baptist University of Congo (UNIBAC).
We are more preoccupied by the conditions of our people in Haiti.
Most of them live in a small crowded space 10 or more persons. How to keep social distance is a big question.
Madeline’s mission work takes place in the severely impoverished bateyes (bah-tays) communities. Teams meet local needs by bringing supplies such as food, clothes and bedding. They also set up medical clinics; offer training in hygiene, birth control and domestic violence prevention; and lead Vacation Bible School programs. In Cuba, Madeline works with the Eastern Cuba Baptist Convention and the churches in the Jiguani district in Granma.