The Rev. Deliris Carrión-Joseph, an International Ministries (IM) missionary since 1998, began a new ministry serving at Deborah’s House in Tijuana, Mexico in January 2016.
Melanie Baggao of Placentia, California, was commissioned to serve with American Baptist International Ministries (IM) in the Middle East. Baggao is IM’s third global worker to be serving in this part of the world. She departed for her field of service on October 21, 2015.
Chuck and Ruth Fox – Thailand | Sarah McCurdy – Dominican Republic | David and Joyce Reed – Baja South, Mexico | Karen Smith – Thailand | Jeanine and Walt White – Global Consultants
While the spread of this highly-contagious disease has now been largely contained, one big question remains: What steps can be taken now to prevent more outbreaks?
“An earthquake with an estimated magnitude of 7.9 shook Nepal on Saturday near its capital, Katmandu, [sic] according to the New York Times. People in the capital described scenes of panic and collapsed buildings, and the United States Geological Survey predicted severe damage to villages near the quake’s epicenter, about 50 miles from Katmandu [sic].”
On Friday, August 29th, American Baptist International Ministries (IM) missionaries, along with faith leaders from the Episcopal, United Methodist, United Church of Christ, Catholic and Jewish traditions, joined in a prayer service for Central American children fleeing violence.