Posted on February 14, 2018 Back Home Again in Haiti
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Dear Loved Ones,

Greeting and Happy New Year 2018. We know that in spite of our long silence that your love has sustained us. We deeply appreciate your prayers, your letters, and your cards. All this energize us so that we can keep on going on. Our health has been good, and my two operated knees are holding fine so far. We are back to the full swing of ministries. From the 2nd to the 8th. of February 2018, we took a trip to Grand Goaves to meet Dr. Adalia Gutierez, our regional director for the Caribbean and Latina America. It was a blessed time.

From this meeting in Grand Goaves, we visited some cities in southern of the country. We admired the beauty of the country and enjoyed the kindness of its people. We visited some of Kihomi’s ministries in Darbone where she countless of times has provided substantial support in term of medication, small equipment and clothes. In Carrefour Dent we visited Dieulita, a paralyzed woman, victim of the January 2010 earthquake.  Kihomi brought her and her whole family enough supports to last them for months.

Our big surprise was to meet a lady in the deep South who worked and who knows the work of Kihomi from inside out. She wanted to cook us African food, but time was short to wait for such an elaborate dinner. Kihomi’s impact has gone beyond what I personally can imagine. She has impacted women, men and families in almost all corners of the country.

We would not be here; we would not be doing what we are able to do in this beautiful country if you were not behind us. We feel your love, we experience your support and your prayers pave our ways so that we can continue serving the Master in our beloved Haiti.


Nzunga & Kihomi

Visiting Dieulita and her 3 kids


Meeting with different leaders

Willienne, the head nurse at Darbonne Clinic

Dear Supporters,

I am happy to announce that Nzunga and Kihomi are back in Haiti.  This is where they wanted to be every since they had to leave to get Nzunga’s knees replaced.  He only has two knees, so he is good to go.  They are in the process of catching up and restarting their ministry although I know they were on the phone to eye clinic and the other areas they work often.

Please pray for them to get up to speed quickly.  Also pray we can find new donors to support the ministry.  Costs have risen, especially insurance, and we have lost some donors.  With the new goal and the losses, we are now at 95% of what we need.


Because He first loved us,


Denny Shewell – MPT Communications Advocate & Convener


Diana Peysha – Prayer Advocate

Terry Bivens-Fry – Missions Involvement Energizer

Les Roberson – Specific Needs Advocate

Charles Newman – Financial Advocate