International Ministries

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Projects, Journals, & News
Pray for Kihomi Ngwemi and Nzunga Mabudiga serving the people of Haiti through a variety of ministries in the name of Jesus.

Kihomi and Nzunga serve as a vital link between International Ministries and the Haitian Baptist Convention. They both

An excercise in faith one year on

Over the past 12 months the ACDI Lusekele extension program has revived its agricultural extension and seed production

Pray for Ray Schellinger, global consultant for Immigrants and Refugees, helping with ministries to refugees globally.

Ray networks with IM colleagues and international partners that serve with refugees and displaced peoples, helping to

Prayer Call – Dan and Sarah Chetti

Pray for Dan and Sarah Chetti training leaders for ministry in the Arab world and reaching out to foreign migrant women

Pray for Mayra Giovanetti and Carlos Bonilla, redirected to Columbia for ministry of discipleship formation and training of church leaders.

They write – We have been redirected to service internationally in colOmbia (i.e. Colombia, not

Pray for Melanie Baggao developing skills for future work in Arab countries and ministering among students in Beirut, Lebanon.

In partnership with the Arab Baptist Theological Seminary of the Lebanese Society for Educational and Social