International Ministries

[world map]
Projects, Journals, & News
Pray for Mylinda Baits serving as a global consultant for Training Through Restorative Arts,

Mylinda is a pastoral artist and trainer. She partners with IM colleagues, national church leadership and social change

Pray for Drs. Anita and Rick Gutierrez training local missionaries to combat illness in South Africa.

Family doctors Rick and Anita train and equip local missionaries, or “health builders,” to combat lifestyle-related

Pray for Alise and Mark Juanes preparing to serve ethnic minorities in Thailand, focusing on discipleship and spiritual development of children and staff.

Alise and Mark Juanes will serve at the House of Love and House of Blessing in Chiang Mai, Thailand. These ministries

Pray for Stacy and Tim Reese endorsed to serve in discipleship and community development in Haiti.

Stacy and Tim will serve with IM partner in Haiti the Christian Association for Spreading the Gospel and Economic and

Pray for Boaz Keibarak serving in peace building ministries in Kenya as an International Associate Global Servant of IM.

Boaz serves through the Kingdom of Peace and Development (KOPAD) organization promoting ministries of evangelism,

IM Responds to Destruction Wrought by Hurricane Dorian in the Bahamas

Hurricane Dorian, which over the Labor Day weekend was one of the most powerful Atlantic hurricanes on record, pounded