Posted on June 6, 2017 Another Chance
[pie chart]80%Support Pledged

Hello Mylinda Baits Cheer Squad!

This is Gary Baits writing to say THANKS to all of you for your support of Mylinda’s ministry.  I know that some of you gave to the recent matching gifts campaign. Thanks so much!  Some of you weren’t able to send a gift before the matching campaign ended.  The good news is that more matching funds have been made available, so if you act quickly, your new or increased gift will be matched.  Simply go to, then go to the “your gift doubled” area and follow the directions.

Currently Mylinda is visiting some churches, supporters, and friend in New England.  Please pray for safe and fruitful travels.

Look forward to a new journal coming out soon describing her facilitation of a collaborative art making process at the ICAP Global conference!