Posted on December 29, 2018 Shared Love
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Thank you so much for your support, interest in our family, and interest in what God is doing in Thailand. 2018 has been an amazing year of growth, change and excitement as we take steps of faith forward and pursue the call that God has placed on our hearts and over our family.

We fondly remember visiting the House of Love and House of Blessing in Chiang Mai on our vision trip in October of 2016. One of the first people to greet us was a young man named Sutee. He had beautiful brown eyes and a lovely smile. He lived at the House of Love and had been there several years. Through Kim Brown’s translation of sign language he asked if we loved Jesus and if we had been baptized. He had joy on his face as we communicated and got to know each other. He also wrote our names down in Thai and gave them to us. It was such a beautiful gesture of love and the light of Jesus shown through him.

Earlier this December we found out that Sutee went home to Jesus at the young age of 19. We were reminded about how fragile life is, but how much strength, hope and love we have when we live it for Jesus! Sutee came to the House of Love as a young, broken, and unloved child who was literally loved into the family of Jesus and transformed by Christ into a resident evangelist because of the love, prayers and financial support of hundreds of people around the world giving to Kim Brown and the House of Love and House of Blessing. Wow!

How many other children, like Sutee, do not know they are loved and are looking for hope and assurance that their life matters?

We are excited and humbled that God has invited us to join the House of Love and House of Blessing ministries. We look forward to working with the staff, administration, residents and students to bring a deeper understanding of Christ’s love through Bible studies and discipleship. We are excited to reach out and build relationships with the families of the House of Blessing preschoolers and to be a family serving families!

We are asking you to be a part of our ministry and to be a part of changing lives by bringing hope and love to the hopeless and hurting Hilltribe people. Your ongoing financial investment (monthly/quarterly/annually) will provide the resources our family needs to launch into Thailand in 2019 and will allow us to focus on the work God has called ALL of us to do…“For this is what the Lord has commanded us: ‘I have made you a light for the Gentiles, that you may bring salvation to the ends of the earth’.” -Acts 13:47

Thank you for your prayers, thoughts, and gifts of finances and of encouraging words. We are so glad you are journeying with us! We can’t wait to see what God does in 2019!

Happy New Year!

Alise & Mark Juanes

Sutee at House of Love, October 2016

Every Christmas Eve, our church holds a candlelight evening service. Of course, holding a lit candle was the highlight of the evening for the boys. Somehow we were able to capture a picture during the split second that the boys were not close to starting a fire. This was the first time Kolin has been able to participate however, and holding fire in his hands was his highlight for sure. We hope to be in Thailand for Christmas next year so we took advantage of being home this year and have spent time with several friends and family. My personal highlight was the dungeness crab for the Christmas Eve dinner.