God is transforming lives and communities around the world. Find out how you can take part.
You can partner in God’s redemptive, restorative work. When you do, God will broaden your vision of the church and what it means to be a follower of Jesus Christ. You can participate in a short-term mission trip, or explore becoming a global servant yourself.
God can work through you to make Christ’s kingdom known here on earth as it is in heaven. (Matthew 6:10)
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IM also hosts a World Mission Conference every other year so that you can learn about how our global servants and partners are pioneering new approaches to mission, bearing witness to Christ while meeting practical needs.
Short-Term Mission (STM): We offer many volunteer opportunities in Christian missions throughout the world for individuals and groups of all ages and skill levels.
Long-Term Service: Are you seeking to discern if God might be calling you to long-term cross-cultural ministry?
You can give toward the IM general fund to support all that IM does and assist in preparing the next generation of global servants, or consider monthly giving to fund the ministry of a particular global servant. You could also help turn a much-needed project into a reality. There are many ways to participate in what God is doing through IM.