Posted on March 18, 2022 Shelter in the Storm
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Psalm 27:5 says, “For in the day of trouble he will keep me safe in his dwelling; he will hide me in the shelter of his sacred tent and set me high upon a rock.”

     This is the prayer of many of the refugees currently fleeing their homes and land. Yet in the midst of it, we are seeing the hope of Christ in awesome ways. We have been able to offer temporary shelter to 20 Ukrainian refugees. Most have only needed one or two nights lodging as they travel through Debrecen Hungary to places such as Germany or Poland where they have friends or relatives. Yet, their stories have touched our hearts and reminded us that Christ is powerfully present.

     One of the families traveled through the night in a Chrysler minivan that somehow managed to hold eight people. We couldn’t believe they could all fit! The vehicle was leaking a liquid from under the engine. The following morning we took it to the local service shop and found that the manager of the shop was incredibly helpful. Unfortunately, they didn’t have the parts needed to make the repair. The father of the family was not discouraged because they had prayed together and knew that God was with them. They had driven through Ukraine on prayer and coffee. He also shared how he had used cooking oil for power steering fluid. We were in awe of God’s goodness as he told us.

     The hardest part of the conversation came later when we discovered that they were actually a family of nine. As they were crossing the border, they were told that their 18 year old son was not allowed to leave Ukraine. We all cried when we heard this. Ukrainian men between the ages of 18 and 60 are not generally allowed to leave. Yet, the family was quick to say that they were at peace because their son was with good friends. They believed without a doubt that God would take care of him. This is the kind of hope only Jesus can bring. We marvel at this kind of faith and the courage it takes to be a refugee.

     We are grateful to be able to make a small difference in lives a few people because of your generous support. As International Ministries Global Servants, we are an extension of your ministry and mission all over the world. Thank you for sharing the hope of Christ through us here in Hungary.

Yours in Christ,

Amanda and Jon