October 2, 2024 Young Adult MK Annual Retreat
Young Adult MK Annual Retreat
[pie chart]25%Support Raised
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Youth and Young Adults Youth and Young Adults
GoalThe goal of this project is to provide much-needed spiritual, mental, emotional, and relational health support to young adult missionary kids (YAMKs).
SummaryThis project aims to raise a total of $46,000 for three annual retreats to be held in 2025, 2026, and 2027 to cover lodging, food, and partial travel costs for up to 16 young adult missionary kids to attend a week-long in-person retreat.
DescriptionIM currently has more than 20 YAMKs in the 18-26 age range who do not have ongoing community support and who reflect a need for IM to respond with appropriate programming. At this time, there is no provision for in-person community with other YAMKs other than the All Staff Gathering (ASG) that is held once every 10 years and the Conference for Missionaries (CFM) which YAMKs age out of upon finishing their first year of college. In addition to giving a regular space for mutual support and understanding, an annual retreat will provide YAMKs with opportunities for rest and renewal, spiritual direction and encouragement, workshopping on current areas of need, and individual in-person meetings with IM's MK care provider.
Suggested GiftsA gift of $1,000 will provide for all of the costs of one YAMK to attend this week-long annual retreat. A gift of $5,100 will provide a $300 scholarship for each YAMK to use toward the cost of their travel. A gift of $10,000 will provide for all of the lodging/accommodations cost, and activities cost for one year.
Prayer RequestsPlease pray for the spiritual, mental, emotional, and relational health of young adult missionary kids.
Managed ByWitmer, Debby