Posted on August 31, 2021 Women’s Month in South Africa
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Full S.T.E.M. Ahead South Africa

 Summer 2021 -2

Women’s Month

Proverbs 31:29 (NLT) – “Charm is deceptive, and beauty does not last: but a woman who fears the Lord will be greatly praise.”

1 Corinthians 11:11 (NLT) – “But among the Lord’s people women are not independent of men, and men are not independent of women.”

Best Friends


Dear Friends and Ministry Partners,

The month of August is designated Women’s Month in South Africa. The churches taught about the women of Faith in the Bible. One pastor’s wife even preached about how God sees when you are being mentally, physically, and spiritually (using the word of God) abused. We must speak up and not let our sisters suffer in silence.  Others spoke about how God cares for His daughters and when as the body of Christ shows His love, God will be given all the glory.

Amongst the Women’s Month celebrations, the sad news came at the end of the month with a horrific crime and murder of a young college student perpetrated by her boyfriend.  Some blamed their living arrangement; some blamed the girl, and some blamed the society that we now are living in. I just felt the need to pray for the families who are suffering lost now. When I look at the plight of women and children all over our globe I look to Christ. I see that God incarnate was willing to touch and have others touch him: (The woman with the issue of blood, Jarrius’ daughter, and Mary anointing Jesus’ feet with oil). It is God working through us who is our hope and He alone is given all the glory.

I enjoy talking with the young ladies and young men in my apartment complex about their hopes and aspirations. Doctors, teachers, professional athletes and journalists are some of their aspirations. They also want to travel and see new places they have never seen before. One of the young ladies came to me and said, “Mam, I am number three in my class, next time number one.” They all have strong family support, moms, dads, grandmas, aunties and uncles. I also talked to a young woman who is working to help children with amputees. This young lady credits her Godly parents who taught her to help others.  This young lady never took the credit, she said it was a group working together and they were able to set up the organization. These women and men all saw a need in the Eastern Cape, and with determination, found private companies, who were willing to partner with them.

There is also a young lady who helped other women set up a non-profit to help women in the villages to get vocational training. Again, not drawing the spotlight to herself, she just saw that the group was having difficulty setting up their non-profit and just wanted to help. Lastly, I saw other young people supporting women and men who are trying to help women and girls in sports. They ran 40K, 20K and 5K. They also wore pink(even the men). So many stories of hope that my prayer is for God to continue to use me now as I am learning isiXhosa to really hear the heart of my neighbors and my community, especially the young people. In these young people, I see how God has to work through me so that He will get all the Glory. God will make a lasting impact for His Kingdom during my time in King William’s Town.

Next month, I will be interviewing the Principal and Assistant Principal of Teleios Christian School. I will include the interview in my next newsletter.

Please email me your prayer request. If you would like me to join any of your services via any of your online media platforms, please email me. Thank you for your ongoing support, both through your prayers and your sacrificial financial gifts.


Faye Carol Yarbrough

International Ministries Global Servant – South Africa


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