Who We Are Ver 1 – Old
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International Ministries shares the story of God’s love and meets human need.

Through IM, you help make disciples of Jesus Christ—all part of building God’s kingdom on earth by supporting long-term cross-cultural service. Your impact is multiplied when we come together alongside our partners in over 70 countries.

Cross-cultural mission flourishes when we come together in partnership with you.

International Ministries’ missionaries, development workers, associates, and international associates— referred to as “global servants”—seek to enter what God is doing around the world.

We have been responding to the call of Jesus Christ since 1814. For over two hundred years, we have stood firm amidst world wars, global pandemics, political unrest, and economic depression. This history has taught us about resilience and sustainability, undergirded by an attitude of respect and humility toward our partners and all those with whom we serve. Drawing from centuries of cross-cultural experience, we have learned how to adapt our methods and approaches, stay faithful to Scripture and be relevant for today.


Evangelism and discipleship are at the core of everything we do. International Ministries, also known as the American Baptist Foreign Mission Society works cross-culturally to invite people to become disciples of Jesus Christ and proclaim God’s reign of justice, peace, and abundant life primarily in six ministry priority areas.


When you join with us in prayer and support, we can offer practical help to immigrants and refugees, building upon the celebrated immigrant and refugee ministries of congregations, regions, national organizations, and partners. You will have an impact on a global level.

In Tijuana, IM Global Consultant for Immigrants and Refugees Ray Schellinger serves with Mexican partner churches who provide shelter, food, health care, and education for thousands of asylum seekers waiting in Mexico for their cases to be adjudicated in the U.S. Through these partnerships, your gifts support immigrants and refugees in Central America, Colombia, and Ecuador. IM Global Servant Larry Stanton is assisting churches in Bosnia to provide emergency services to refugees traveling from Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, and Pakistan along the Balkan route toward Europe. Your giving enables the work with Bosnian Baptist churches to provide three meals a day for about two hundred migrants in Bosnia. With your support Larry partners with other small nongovernmental organizations such as SOS Team Kladusa and No-Name Kitchen to provide emergency medical supplies, clothing, toiletries, and food. He has seen the wonderful impact of sharing the gospel mandate to love, as he has met young men who discover faith through the care of the church. “One young refugee became a believer,” Larry says. “He now boldly witnesses to the Muslim community as he continues traveling. He sees how God worked, moving his family along the refugee route to call him into the family of Jesus!”


You can facilitate work with the body of Christ around the world to embody God’s love in situations of discord, suffering, and conflict.

IM Global Consultants for Peace and Justice Dan and Sharon Buttry have trained and mentored more than 350 church and community leaders in over 50 countries using their innovative experiential learning methodology, 10-day Training of Conflict Transformation Trainers. Many of these leaders have worked tirelessly to build and sustain peace among communities fractured by war and violence. The legacy of the Buttrys’ work is evident in the lives of leaders like IM International Associates Christina and Lance Muteyo. The Muteyos serve through their organization Trees of Peace Africa in Zimbabwe and describe themselves as “Zimbabwean peace warriors.” They conduct trainings in conflict transformation and mentor the next generation of leaders in peacemaking. “Peace is a cornerstone of human development,” explains Lance. “We want to train community leaders to be implementers of conflict transformation—to be trauma healers.”


You can support the provision of exemplary services to survivors of trafficking and all forms of modern-day slavery.

In Chiang Mai, Thailand, at the New Life Center Foundation (NLCF), IM Global Servants Jeni Pedzinski and Kit Ripley serve young women who are at risk for, or survivors of, human trafficking, forced labor, and sexual abuse. NLCF residents receive shelter, education, vocational and life skills training, rehabilitative counseling, and a range of therapeutic activities. The center’s staff have witnessed many positive trends over the past three decades of ministry, including increased access to education, improvements in Thai antitrafficking law, and expanded vocational opportunities for women. The NLCF has played a pivotal role in stimulating these changes through interpretation services, scholarship programming, and anti-trafficking campaigns.


Your funding promotes the liberating power of education. This includes primary and secondary education, teaching English to speakers of other languages, and theological study for current and future church leaders.

“Education is power,” says Mercy González-Barnes, IM Regional Consultant for Iberoamerica and the Caribbean. “Not the power to dominate, but the power through the Spirit of God to serve and transform lives.”

In Mexico, IM Global Servant Patti Long coordinates a special education program at the Monte Horeb Baptist Grade School in Tijuana, a school that reaches out to the most vulnerable of the city’s young population—its children with special needs. “It is difficult for parents [of children with disabilities] to find a school that will work with and welcome their children, but all are embraced by the Baptist Grade School,” Patti says.  In addition to gaining a safe learning environment and nutritious meals, the school’s students participate in chapel, where they learn that God loves them, that they are special, and that God has plans for their lives.

Patti’s husband, Tim, serves in leadership development with the Baja Baptist Seminary of Mexicali and IM-related churches in the Dominican Republic. Tim also works alongside IM Regional Consultant for Education J.D. Reed and IM Regional Consultant Mercy González-Barnes to invest in theological education for present and future church leaders. Through an exciting partnership between IM and Palmer Seminary, we offer a Master in Theological Studies (MTS) that is online and completely in Spanish, contextualized to empower leaders in Latin America where the evangelical church is growing rapidly.


You can transform lives in the name of Jesus Christ by empowering people and communities through economic development with a balance of environmental stewardship.

When in Chile, IM Global Servants Barb and Dwight Bolick worked for eighteen years with Mapuche churches and communities to help restore this indigenous group’s identity as a people made in the image of God. One part of this ministry included rainwater harvesting in the Mapuche community. Today, Dwight continues this work remotely, training partners in Central America in rainwater harvesting, installing model systems, and encouraging its use to address the severe water crisis. In collaboration with IM Regional Consultant Ricardo Mayol’s Water for All project, which helps communities protect their water sources, Dwight and Ricardo are introducing similar model systems in Guatemala, El Salvador, Nicaragua, and Mexico. This is one way to help people recover ownership and care of their own water sources.


We engage in curative, preventive, and educational ministries around the world that promote holistic health and wellness.

In the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), IM Global Servant Wayne Niles serves with IMA World Health as the in-country finance officer for several health projects. He manages the DEVRU project, which helps Congolese prevent starvation with disease resistant and high protein food crops. IM Global Servant Katherine Niles partners with Congolese Christian health professionals and grassroots community leaders to reduce the DRC’s maternal and child mortality rates. Katherine also coordinates White Cross efforts and support for the network of Baptist hospitals and health centers in the DRC.


…of building God’s kingdom, “On earth as it is in heaven.” Matt 6:10

As you participate in God’s redemptive, restorative mission through International Ministries, God will broaden your vision of the church and what it means to be a follower of Jesus Christ. You will contribute to pioneering new approaches to mission in many different cultures, and you will bear witness to Jesus Christ as you engage in meeting practical needs. God can use your life and gifts for global good!


IM newsletters and annual reports are sent to supporters to keep you updated and to provide financial credibility. You can subscribe on the home page or read past issues below:

Short-Term Mission (STM)

IM offers many volunteer opportunities throughout the world for individuals and groups of all sizes for children, youth and adults, and for people of all skills and skill levels.

Long-Term Mission Service

IM global servants work alongside partner organizations around the world to advance the work that is already being done and to contribute their unique gifts to further God’s kingdom. New ministry opportunities are always available.


We welcome your questions.


You could choose to sustain this mission by giving annually or structuring a gift for the general endowment. You might partner in support for a specific global servant or sponsor a project. Your partnership can bring about change in one of our focused impact areas.