Posted on March 23, 2020 We Can Still Touch Them With Prayer
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COVID-19 has reached Congo. The country took rapid measures (curtailing all international flights, closing borders as well as schools, businesses etc.) We elected to stay; Bill is mobilizing the Ebola response team … to COVID preparedness and prevention. Sadly, my work with children has all but come to a halt. The school and counseling center where we receive hundreds of children daily is closed. Tuungane children, many who are victims of trauma, cannot come to a safe place for the day, and will not receive a warm meal. My heart breaks for them. Many cried when they were told they could not come. Today, with no church services, the 600 or so children who come from the streets, shelters, etc. for food, clothing, lessons, and love… were not here. My heart feels as empty as these classrooms, but “I know the One in whom I trust, and I am sure that He is able to guard what I have entrusted to Him until the day of His return.”