Posted on December 26, 2020 “Understanding COVID-19” Video
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The “Understanding COVID-19” animation becomes our third about viruses. HIV, 2011 (English, Zulu, Spanish) Ebola, 2015 (English, French), and now COVID-19 (English, Zulu, Spanish). We continue our animation series with practical nutritional topics. Our next title will be about Grains.

Playing these animations in South Africa for individuals and small groups has shown that even children will watch the entire 16-minute Zulu version, and feedback has been good. It brings up many questions and outdoors at night is a good time for conversations. People have asked for prayers for sick family members and clarification about the vaccine. We hope to make a COVID-19 vaccine video.

We are also showing the video as a YouTube ad in English speaking African countries and India and are targeting educators to raise awareness of this resource.

Here is the link to the English version of “Understanding COVID-19” –

Please post and share the video.