Posted on March 7, 2022 Ukraine and other global crises
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Ukraine and other global crises

International Ministries and our partners around the world are ministering to the growing humanitarian crisis in Ukraine, as well as ongoing and emerging crises in places like Haiti, Myanmar, and Lebanon. Your support is essential to continuing to serve and minister to our brothers and sisters suffering in ways that are so hard to imagine. Please consider a gift today.

Pray for the conflict in Ukraine

The ongoing human tragedies that are coming from every part of our world can seem overwhelming. It can feel like there is nothing you can do to make a difference but I want to encourage you to do one HUGE thing today…simply stop and PRAY.

Pray for those who are suffering and feel hopeless.
Pray for leadership and policies that affect the most vulnerable.
Pray for those who are serving on the front lines of the crisis.
Pray for food, medical supplies, equipment, and personnel to get to the areas most in need.
Pray for the everyday heroes and sheroes that are making a difference.
Pray for the organizations that seek to serve.
Pray for God’s intervention in a miraculous way.
Pray for peace.

I have been the recipient of dedicated prayer that has made a difference. I know the power of prayer and I am asking you to prioritize prayer for the immense needs in our world and those who have the power to make a change in these situations. For more ways to help, click the link below:

Help Ukraine


Although there is little being reported about the current situation in Haiti, I received word, yesterday, that there was extreme flooding in the northern town of Limbé, along the Limbé River. You may recall that I began my missionary service at the Good Samaritan Hospital in Limbé. The videos that I saw of the flooding made it nearly impossible to recognize the town and continues to deepen the humanitarian crisis. This unprecedented flooding comes on the heels of multiple earthquakes in the southern part of the country, extreme instability in the government, and violence from gangs that continues to destabilize infrastructures. To learn more, click the link below:

Help Haiti


Myanmar, previously known as Burma, has been facing multiple humanitarian crisis for many years now. The most recent turmoil has come from government attacks on primarily Christian villages and communities. Other faith communities have also been targets of abuse, destruction of property, and forcible removal from their homes. There are a large number of displaced persons living in refugee camps along the Thailand border but also in Bangladesh. Military rule has removed access to basic resources for many in Myanmar, including International Ministries’ partners. Faith leaders have been killed and homes and churches destroyed. Please click the link below to learn more about this ongoing situation and how to help:

Help Myanmar


Lebanon continues to face an ongoing financial crisis with the cost of food and fuel skyrocketing to costs that make basic necessities incredibly difficult to obtain, even among the middle class. Choices between purchasing food or fuel are common. For several years, during multiple wars in the Middle East, refugees began pouring into Lebanon, creating further strains on the economy and multiple layers of humanitarian need. In 2020, there was a horrific explosion at the port in Beirut, destroying homes, businesses, and killing people nearby. The trauma continues to affect the population. Through International Ministries’ partners and global servants, we continue to have a presence in vulnerable communities, providing care, support, and education. For more information about how to help, please click the link, below:

Help Lebanon

Thank you for taking the time to pray for these places where most of us cannot be in-person to help. Your prayers and financial support for International Ministries allows God’s love, Jesus’ hope, and the Spirit’s enduring presence be made available to all. Thank you for continuing to support their efforts around the world and for sharing all that you learn.

“Don’t fret or worry. Instead of worrying, pray. Let petitions and praises shape your worries into prayers, letting God know your concerns. Before you know it, a sense of God’s wholeness, everything coming together for good, will come and settle you down. It’s wonderful what happens when Christ displaces worry at the center of your life.” -Philippians 4:6 (MSG)