Posted on October 28, 2021 @troutPI Fall 2021 Newsletter
[pie chart]94%Support Pledged

It’s already been 1 yr since our endorsement, and just 3 months since joining International Ministries full time! Our first big fundraising event on Saturday saw a great turnout, wonderful Filipino food from @FilAm, of course ice cream from @mitchellsicecreamsanfran, and a crowd of beloveds who all came to hear about the work our ministry is pursuing in Mindanao. Thank you to our directors Ray Schooler and Leslie Turley from IM for all of their support and for being there in person to bless and encourage our endeavors. And a special thanks goes to our MPT and all those who bid on the artwork with pledges, and are now partnering with us to get us ever closer to planting our hearts and feet in the Philippines.

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